About Czech Mixed Choir JITRO, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic


Mixed Choir JITRO was established in 1997 in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, by father and son Skopal as a graduation association of the Czech Children‘s Choir Jitro. Its membership includes about 30 singers not only from the Skopal‘s choral school.

Choir declared its level at the international choir competition Iuventus Mundi Cantat in Olomouc by gaining 99 out of 100 points. After the offer from the composer Jan Jirásek to record the music for the musical Pinocchio and for the movie Kytice by Juraj Jakubisko, choir performed the world premiere of the cycle in C Major by W. A. Mozart the Missa Solemnis together with Pardubice Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra at the International music festival Prague Spring. Choir took part in lots of projects including collaboration with the contemporary American composer of Israeli origin Ofer Ben-Amotsem, orchestral version of two cycles of Magnificat by Johann Sebastian Bach and Antonio Vivaldi at the Festival of Sacred Music in Lecce, Italy, recording the Jan Jirásek‘s music for the movie Máj, Rock oratorio by J. Johansen and E. Kulberga, performing Carmina Burana by Carl Orff and repeated reprises of Stabat Mater by Antonín Dvořák. Contemporary composer Jiří Laburda was so pleased by our performance of his Missa Pastoralis that he decided to compose an orchestral part and a world premiere followed. In another interesting project choir offered to its listeners a series of concerts with French romantic music with organ accompaniment. The choir took part in the final concert of the international music festival Smetanova Litomyšl and traveled to China as a main guest of the International Music Festival in the city of Jinan. We repeatedly take part in the European Festival of Sacred Music Šumava – Bayerischer Wald. Listeners appreciate colorfully crafted repertoire offering great scope for long-term experience of our singers. As of 2012 the current choirmaster is Jan Fajfr.


Repertoire of the Mixed Choir JITRO includes compositions from the period of the Middle Ages to the 20th century, music from both the classical and popular spheres, including the spirituals and jazz music.

This wide spectrum of the repertoire allows the choir to arrange varied and individual dramaturgy of each concert, that could be focused on a development of both world and national choral literature, or dedicated to specific authors, or designed as thematic e.g. for an Advent and Christmas time, etc.

Video samples:



Smíšený sbor JITRO, z.s.
Boleslavova 148
Hradec Králové
500 08
Czech Republic

Contact person:

Marek Uhrin
Phone: +420 774 837 456
Email:   info@smisenysbor.cz


Promotional leaflet in English and German language in DL size (PDF file)

Je jedním ze zadních představitelů zástavské hudební scény. Svou kariéru započal u místních božích muk, kde vedl pobožnosti za účasti až několika lidí. V průběhu tohoto slibného začátku se zhostil takových projektů jako například nácviku písně Mária, Mária…. nebo provedení jednohlasých loretánských litanií v úpravě "ne-unisono". Dosud sice nezískal žádnou cenu na mezinárodních prestižních soutěžích, avšak osobitost jeho hudebního projevu i svědomitost, se kterou k nácviku skladeb přistupuje, napovídá, že v budoucnosti ani žádnou nezíská. Václav Metoděj Uhlíř je již ve svém nezralém věku velkou nadějí zástavského hudebního života a jeho úspěchy již nyní přesahují hranice této osady.

Zástava = osada na pomezí katastrálních území Bohumilče a Újezdu u Sezemic, čítající 19 domů a 38 obyvatel. Osada leží při jižní hranici královéhradeckého kraje a je obklopena lesy a bažinami.